
DocsMX | Mexico City International Documentary Film Festival

Developed Services

What is DocsMX?

The Mexico City International Documentary Film Festival, DocsMX, is the most memorable festival for many reasons. Because it was the first. Because it was born when non-fiction cinema was almost non-existent in our country. Because it shares with thousands of people the best of national and international cinematography.

Get to know the work process carried out

  • History

    DocsMX and Punto Zip have had a working relationship since 2007 that continues until 2022, during which we have automatized various activities that make up the operational components of the festival. Our main objective, together with its work team, is to promote the festival's features, on the one hand through its website and the use of its online platform of documentaries for dissemination and access to them -always maintaining high levels of security in the storage-.

  • Challenges

    For more than ten years and in the present, Punto Zip has changed and improved the online presence of the festival (website). This feature allows more excellent communication and relationship of content for its audience. On the other hand, systems have been developed for the administration that year after year. For example, the festival can make the registration of documentaries that wish to participate in the contest, as well as web systems for various processes that the DocsMX team uses in their daily activities.

  • Opportunities

    Punto Zip and its collaboration with DocsMX has made it possible to automate various technological needs, the most recent contribution being the video streaming platform (DocsMX Online), which allows any user on the planet to access the selected screenings. In addition to being a business opportunity for the festival to promote the chosen works each year, allowing them to have wider dissemination.

  • Future work

    The Punto Zip team will continue to automate various DocsMX processes to provide the festival and the team with tools to work efficiently, always fulfilling the main objective of generating a window in Mexico for the best documentaries produced each year.

Services developed for

Web Site

Punto Zip maintains and generates a website that contains all the areas that make up the festival, deriving the content for its interested users.

Streaming Platform

A documentary streaming platform, DocsEnLinea, which allows the storage and secure access of the documentaries chosen by the festival team, has several features that will enable the team to know vital aspects such as the reproductions made, the rating of the documentaries and general information of the same. Finally, the platform has a dashboard for various statistics of use.

Good Pitch México

Website development for Good Pitch and its edition in Mexico allows space for documentary developers who seek the participation and support of different civil organizations to make it and spread their documentary too many more people. These documentaries delve into the social problems of the country in question.