
SMIE | Mexican Society for Structural Engineering

Developed Services

What is SMIE?

The Mexican Society of Structural Engineering is a non-profit Civil Association of exclusively scientific and technical nature whose main objective is to promote and disseminate knowledge about structural engineering. It brings together engineers, designers, professors, researchers, and all those professionals related to this branch of engineering.

Get to know the work process carried out

  • History

    SMIE and Punto Zip have had a working relationship since 2010. We have created several technological services where automation is the main element in the activities that make up its operational components. Our main objective together is always to improve your organizational processes.

  • Challenges

    For 12 years, Punto Zip has been automating various processes of SMIE, which relate to its stakeholders.

    From its website that, allows visiting users to learn about the organization to the systems that will enable its staff to perform activities that facilitate their relationship with partners and stakeholders.

  • Opportunities

    Punto Zip and SMIE formed a working alliance in which, in 12 years, they have identified a series of needs, now automated, that allow them to streamline their organizational processes.

    For example, with the creation of their online publication store, hundreds of students and researchers have access to a catalog of publications that will enable them to expand their knowledge and disseminate it to more professionals. Punto Zip y SMIE formaron una alianza de trabajo en la que, en 12 años, han identificado una serie de necesidades, ahora automatizadas, que les permiten agilizar sus procesos organizativos.

  • Future work

    The Punto Zip team will continue to automate various operational processes of SMIE so that the organization and its management group have tools to maintain efficient work, thus fulfilling the main objective of SMIE, the creation of knowledge in the scientific field of Structural Engineering.

Services developed for

Web Site

Punto Zip developed the website containing all the features derived from the contents of each of the actions for its partners, stakeholders, and students.

Web Systems

Development of web systems for the internal management of various processes related to SMIE, automating through technological tools, different functionalities required by the Company, and the users linked to each of its activities.

Online Events

Organization of online events, planning, registration and execution of these events, all of them related to various activities proposed by SMIE for its members and those interested in its areas of expertise.


Development of an online store for SMIE with online payment options through secure payment platforms such as Conekta and PayPal. The store allows the Society to sell its various scientific publications.

Online Billing

Implement an invoicing module for the various aspects of online sales that SMIE performs, where it offers services and products to partners and interested parties.

Support at Congresses

The Punto Zip team accompanies the society in the Congresses that SMIE holds for its members, providing general support to systems involved with the event and its realization.